The Black Jet

Jet Stone


Jet is a geological material and is considered to be a minor gemstone. Jet is not considered a true mineral, but rather a mineraloid as it has an organic origin, being derived from decaying wood under extreme pressure.

The English noun “jet” derives from the French word for the same material: jaiet. Jet is either black or dark brown, but may contain pyrite inclusions, which are of brassy colour and metallic lustre. The adjective jet-black is better known perhaps than the substance from which the descriptive phrase derives.

Jet is a product of high pressure decomposition of wood from millions of years ago, commonly the wood of trees of the family Araucariaceae. Jet is found in two forms, hard and soft. Hard jet is the result of the carbon compression and salt water; soft jet is the result of the carbon compression and fresh water.

The jet found at Whitby, England is of early Jurassic (Toarcian) age, approximately 182 million years old.

Jet occurs in black or dark brown and is a variety of coal known as lignite. The finest jet comes from England, and it is also found in the United States, Poland, France, Germany, Spain, India and Russia.

Jet neutralizes negative energies. Hold a piece of jet to clear negative vibrations.

* To release stress, combine jet with lepidolite.
* Psychic protection and purification – use jet with black tourmaline or smokey quartz.

Jet is grounding and balancing, and as it also carries a negative electrical charge, is good for drawing power and knowledge to the bearer. Made of burned, then fosillized trees, it helps to tap into the ancient wisdoms and transformative powers of the Earth. It is also helpful in stabilizing finances, and is said to soothe migraines.