Fire Agate

Fire Agate

Fire Agate

Agate is a form of chalcedony or microcrystalline quartz which forms in layers in a remarkable variety of colors and textures.

Indeed agate has an even longer history, since the Egyptians used agate as a gemstone more than 3,000 years ago. But one of the rarest forms of agate, fire agate, has been available commercially only in the last 60 years.

Fire Agate is a layered stone. The layers are small enough that light entering them forms interference colors known as “fire.” Fire agate is a brown agate which has a botryoidal or grape-like growth form. What is special about fire agate is that it contains layers of plate-like crystals of iron oxide (limonite) in various planes. The iridescent colors of red, gold, green and, occasionally, blue-violet, result from interference between diffracted light rays traveling through and reflecting from these thin layers.

Fire agate is a brown agate which has a botryoidal or grape-like growth form. What is special about fire agate is that it contains layers of plate-like crystals of iron oxide (limonite) in various planes. The iridescent colors of red, gold, green and, occasionally, blue-violet, result from interference between diffracted light rays traveling through and reflecting from these thin layers.

Fire agate is found in the southwestern United States and Mexico. It is used for jewelry, figures, sculptures, beads, and many cultures believe Fire Agates contain mystical properties, and will grant the wearer health and protection.

Fire Agate has a deep calming energy that brings security and safety. It is a protection stone with strong grounding powers. Fire agate is believe to heals the stomach, nervous, endocrine systems, strengthens night vision and reduces hot flashes.