Mystic Quartz

Mystic Quartz

Mystic Quartz

Quartz is one of the most common minerals on earth and is well known in the gems world. It is attractive and durable, as well as inexpensive, and can be cut and carved in many forms and sizes. Quartz is named after a Slavic word for “hard”. A new high tech enhancement process applied to colorless stones such as quartz and topaz produces an interesting new variety we call “Mystic Quartz”.
Mystic quartz displays a stunning rainbow effect that makes it all at once unique, fashionable and different.

The color, brilliance and clarity of the final product depends on the quality, cut and polish of the original gemstone. That’s why only by the first quality quartz that can makes mystic quartz. Mystic quartz displays all the colors of the rainbow in one stone. The shades of color are displayed in kaleidoscopic designs.