The Blackish Star Diopside

Star Diopside On Ring

Star Diopside

Star Diopsides are opaque and glossy black with a four-ray star. They are quite similar in appearance to black star sapphires, which has a six-rayed star.

Black star diopside is generally a blackish or blackish green color;rarely a definite green. It is, of course, cut into round or oval cabochons which are generally biconvex with a roughly shaped, unpolished base. The star characteristically has a fore rays, two of which are straight, while the other two, not at right angles to the first pair, look slightly wavy (the crystal does not, in fact, have fourfold symmetry).

Diopside based ceramics and glass-ceramics have potential applications in various technological areas. A diopside based glass-ceramic named ‘silceram’ was produced by scientists from Imperial College, UK during 1980s from blast furnace slag and other waste products.

Black Star Diopside is a very creative stone and can bring creativity to the bearer. It can also help with analysis and logic as an assistant to learning. It is also said to be related to love, commitment, and the inner heart. It is traditionally said to be helpful for healing trauma, partly by bringing cleansing tears.