Star Moonstone

Star Moonstone

Star Moonstone

Moonstone is a member of the Orthoclase Feldspar family and is considered to be a semi-precious gemstone. While limited in nature, some good size stones are available. Moonstone owes its name to its almost magical shimmer that resembles moonshine, the bluish-white light seems to hover over the stone as it moves. This phenomena is called adularescence.

Moonstone typically exhibits the phenomena of adularescence in which a bluish-white light seems to hover over the stone as it moves. This phenomena originates from the interior structure of the gemstone. Incoming light is refracted inside the stone and scattered, creating a unique play of light. A combination of orthoclase and albite arranged in layers causes the lovely sheen.

There are different types of Moonstone. Moonstone from Sri Lanka, the classical country of origin shimmers blue on an almost transparent background. Specimens from India show play of light on beige, green, orange or brown background. Moonstone cat’s eye and multi-rayed star moonstone are known, but rare.