Focusing Your Mind By Tiger’s Eye

Tiger's Eye

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye or tiger eye is a chatoyant gemstone that is usually a metamorphic rock that is a golden to red-brown color, with a silky luster. A member of the quartz group, it is a classic example of pseudomorphous replacement by silica of fibrous crocidolite (blue asbestos). An incompletely silicified blue variant is called Hawk’s eye.

Tiger iron is an altered rock composed chiefly of tiger’s eye, red jasper, and black hematite. The undulating, contrasting bands of color and luster make for an attractive motif, and it is mainly used for jewelry-making and ornamentation. Tiger iron is a popular ornamental material used in a variety of applications, from beads and cabochons to knife hilts. Along with tiger’s eye it is mined primarily in South Africa and Western Australia.

Looking from the history, Roman soldiers wore tiger’s-eye for protection in battle. Tiger Eye was thought to be all seeing due to its appearance.

If you need to make some changes in your life, this is the stone for you.

It promotes balance and strength to get through difficult phases of life; relieves doubt and bestows decision making with vision and clarity. Helps one to be practical. But if you feel nervous, anxious, or fearful much of the time, this is a great stone for you. Especially helpful if you’re feeling drained or unfocused.