Palm Wood Stone, Connect To The Earth

Palm Wood Stone

Palm Wood Stone

Petrified palm wood is the state stone of Texas and the state fossil of Louisiana. It comes from palm trees in the Oligocene Epoch, between 20 – 40 million years ago, give or take a few years.

The petrified wood formed when a tree died and was buried by sediments. Minerals in the groundwater then permeated the wood, replacing the original organic matter and turning it to stone. The main mineral is silica, but trace elements in the silica create a variety of colors.

Petrified palmwood can be found in many parts of the state, but is especially common in the East Texas Piney Woods region and along the Gulf Coast in the Toledo Bend area shared by both the states, Texas and Louisiana It was left by trees that grew when the Gulf of Mexico’s shoreline was much farther north.

The stone contains prominent, rodlike structures within the regular grain of the silicified wood, which form the characteristic spotted look of palm wood. Depending on how the stone is cut, these structures show up as spots, tapering rods or lines. Due to the fossilization process, these beads often have small holes that add a distinctive texture.

Petrified palm wood is very hard and takes an excellent polish, making it a great stone for jewelry. Mystics believe this gemstone removes petty annoyances and enhance one’s connection to earth and nature.