The Joy Of Topaz

Topaz Stones


It is mentioned that Topaz is an aluminum fluorite silicate containing fluorine and become one of the few gem minerals which, under suitable conditions, grow into enormous crystals.

The name topaz is derived from the Indian Sanskrit word tapas, meaning fire. According to another theory topaz derives its name from the Island of Topazos, in the Red Sea, where the Romans obtained a stone which they called by this name.

Pure topaz is colorless and transparent but is usually tinted by impurities; typical topaz is wine, yellow, pale gray or reddish-orange, blue brown. It can also be made white, pale green, blue, gold, pink (rare), reddish-yellow or opaque to transparent/translucent, and the most valuable color is a golden orange-yellow, called “imperial topaz”.

Red and pink topaz gems were used in the jewelry of the 18th and 19th Century Russian Czarinas and is why topaz is sometimes called “Imperial Topaz”.

The most famous topaz is actually a colorless topaz that was originally thought to be a diamond. It is a 1680 carat stone known as the “Braganza Diamond” set in the Portuguese Crown Jewels.

Based on the folklore of Topaz, during the Middle Ages topaz was thought to heal both physical and mental disorders and prevent death. Moreover, the Greeks believed it had power to increase strength and to make its wearer invisible while the Romans believed it had power to improve eyesight. The Egyptians wore it as an amulet to protect them from injury.

It is also said that Topaz balances emotions and calms passions. It releases tension and gives feelings of joy. Topaz is known as spiritual rejuvenation gemstone.