The Ancient Ammonites



Ammonites, as they pertain specifically to the order Ammonitida, are an extinct group of marine animals belonging to the cephalopod subclass Ammonoidea. They are excellent index fossils, and it is often possible to link the rock layer in which they are found to specific geological time periods.

During the middle ages ammonites were called draconites due to the belief that they came from the heads of dragons. Another name, “snakestone,” was popular among occult circles. In ancient Egypt, ammonites were seen as a symbol of any ancient deity who was associated with the ram and its curved horns, while in Ethiopia, they were sacred stones, worn to gain prophetic dreams and grant the wearer deep meditations. In England today, the ammonite is considered a stone of miracles. This is based on belief from the seventh century that, when St. Hilda prayed for the people’s protection from the snake infested River Esk, the snakes coiled up and rolled off the cliffs, instantly turning to stone.

Ammonite eliminates any caustic personality traits and transforms negative energy into positive. Those in the fields of construction and architecture would find these stones particularly useful. Not only does ammonite provide insights into a creative problem, it also allows you to utilize the “whole picture” from the start to finish of a project. Ammonite is a protective stone, adding stability and structure to life, and it also enhances one’s survival instincts and abilities. Birthing and re-birthing processes find assistance with ammonite.

Coral Gemstone

Coral Gemstone


Precious coral or red coral is the common name given to Corallium rubrum and several related species of marine coral. The distinguishing characteristic of precious corals is their durable and intensely colored red or pink skeleton, which is used for making jewelry.

From erstwhile era, coral has been given recognition by every astrologer. It is not a mineral, it is a type of organic substance. It is prepared by non-vertebrate sea creature called Isis Nobiles. Coral is found in the shape of a vine branch at approximately 600-700 feet depth inside the sea. Scientists consider it as a constituent of calcium carbonate.

Corals are found in many colours, like red, scarlet, saffron, pink to vermilion red and white. It is of hot disposition. It creates numerous virtues like valour, tenaciousness, capacity to confront and solve situations and problems and enables a man to take risks. On account of being the dominant gem of Aries and Scorpio, it eradicates hindrances in the way of their good luck and increases their authoritarial power. Men who are either chicken-hearted or overpowered by their enemies easily, should wear coral. It is also a perfect gem for a blissful conjugal life.

The use of the coral in jewellery dates back to the Romans who considered it auspicious worn in amulets. Because of it auspiciousness, the coral, through not a precious stone, has been given a coverted place in Navaratnas. A good coral is opaquered, is perfectly round or oval and regular; is smooth, and gives out lovely splendorous. It is flawed if it is spotted, cracked, has more than one shade of color or the surface is anyway depressed or twisted.

It should be worn by soldiers, policemen, electricians, surgeons, players and workers of ordinance factory. It is useful for increasing self-assurance, administrative potential and the power of applying rights in social & political arenas. It is advantageous in transactions pertaining to buying and selling of land and properties.

Coral averts abortion, fever, piles, impotency, typhus, small-pox etc. Children can be protected from diseases like rickets and stomach-ache, by putting on the coral mala or beads around their neck.

Good Luck Stone Of Labradorite

Labradorite Stone


Labradorite is the plagioclase feldspar ad in the same family as albite. Labradorite has been found in some meteorites. Gem quality labradorite is known as spectrolite; which is a colorless variety, darkened with needlelike inclusions, it is often called black moonstone.

Labradorite was first found in 1770 on the Labrador Peninsula in Canada. It is also found in Norway, and the former USSR. There is a blue semi-transparent variety called spectrolite that is only found in Finland.

According to an Eskimo legend, the Northern Lights were once imprisoned in the rocks along the coast of Labrador. It is told that a wandering Eskimo warrior found them and was able to free most of the lights with a mighty blow of his spear. Some of the lights were still trapped within the stone, and thus we have today the beautiful mineral known as labradorite.

Labradorite is a power stone, allowing you to see through illusions and determine the actual form of your dreams and goals. It is excellent for strengthening intuitions. Moreover, this stone is very good for enhancing night vision, and can be of great help in developing the ability to see auras.

The Exotic Green Of Malachite

Malachite Stone


Malachite is an opaque, banded stone, the colors in the bands range from a very light green to almost deep green.

The stone’s name derives from Greek ????????? ????? molochitis lithos, or “mallow-green stone”. The mineral was given this name due to its resemblance to the leaves of the Mallow plant. According to another theory the word malachite comes from Greek malhe, which means grass.

Malachite was used as a mineral pigment in green paints from antiquity until about 1800. The pigment is moderately lightfast, very sensitive to acids and varying in color. The natural form was being replaced by its synthetic form, verditer amongst other synthetic greens.

Malachite is a semi-precious stone and also a valuable copper ore, hydrous copper carbonate. It is responsible for the green color of tarnished copper and bronze. Because of its distinctive bright green color and its presence in the weathered zone of nearly all copper deposits, malachite serves as a prospecting guide for that metal. Malachite has been used as an ornamental stone and as a gemstone.

Mining Malachite began as early as 4000 BC by ancient Egyptians. In the Middle ages, malachite was worn to protect from black magic and sorcery. In Ancient Greece amulets for children were made of malachite.

In the New Stone Age came the discovery of the possibility of extracting certain metals from the ores in which they generally occur. Probably the first such material to be used was malachite, then already in use as a cosmetic and easily reduced to copper in a strong fire. It is impossible to be precise about the time and place of this discovery, but its consequences were tremendous. Namely it led to the search for other metallic ores, to the development of metallurgy.

Malachite is believed to be a strong protector of children. It is said to protect the wearer from accidents and protects travelers. Malachite has been used to aid success in business and protect against undesirable business associations. It is a stone of balance in relationships.

Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used malachite for jewelry and ground it to use as eye shadow. It is used in amulets to protect against the evil eye. In the Middle Ages it was used to protect children from witches and other dangers.

Montana Agate

Montana Agate

Montana Agate

Agate is a moderately hard rock, primarily composed of silica (quartz). Montana agate and sapphire are the two State gemstones of the State of Montana. Montana agate is sometimes also referred to as “moss agate” (agate that has colored inclusions that may resemble moss) or “scenic agate”.

The Montana agate is usually a creamy light yellow to almost clear color with embedded moss structures in varying shades of brownish red to black. Most of these Montana agates are found in gravel deposits from the Pleistocene age (10,000 – 1,6000,000) in the area of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries. In general, agates form when silica in groundwater is deposited in openings in the subsurface.

It is generally believed that Montana agates were formed as the result of volcanic activity in the Yellowstone Park area millions of years ago, which deposited a tremendous amount of silica-rich ash over a wide area. Some Montana agates, such as “limb casts”, appear to have originated from wood that became buried by ash and fossilized after the volcanic activity.

Agate is the Mystical birthstone for the month of September and the birth stone for the Zodiac sign of Gemini.

Adularescence Moonstone



Moonstone is a translucent stone that has a shimmering affect called adularescence. It is often worn in rings, pendants or bead necklaces. Blue moonstone pendants are very stunning.

Moonstone comes in colorless, white, yellow, orange, and gray. It always has a white or blue sheen. That is, moonstone reflects light in a distinctive shimmering phenomenon known as adularescence. Moonstone has a hardness of 6 and it can be easily scratched.

Moonstone is found in Brazil, European Alps, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and USA (Pennsylvania and Virginia). Sri Lanka has the highest quality moonstones.

The moonstone is characterised by an enchanting play of light. Indeed it owes its name to that mysterious shimmer which always looks different when the stone is moved and is known in the trade as ‘adularescence’. In earlier times, people believed they could recognise in it the crescent and waning phases of the moon.

This gemstone is surrounded by a good deal of mystique and magic. In many cultures, for example in India, it is regarded as a holy, magical gemstone. In India, moonstones are also regarded as ‘dream stones’ which bring the wearer beautiful visions at night. In Arabic countries, women often wear moonstones sewn out of sight into their garments, for in their cultures the moonstone is a symbol of fertility.

For a few years, there have also been some green, brown and orange specimens on the market, as well as some with a smoky colour and some the colour of champagne, and some black and some reddish ones, mainly originating from India. Some have a cat’s eye effect or a four-spoked star as well as the typical undulating shimmer of light.

Mother Of Pearl

Mother Of Pearl

Mother Of Pearl

Mother of pearl, also called nacre, is an iridescent layer of material which forms the shell lining of many mollusks. Pearl oysters and abalone are both sources of mother of pearl, which is widely used as an inlay in jewelry, furniture, and musical instruments.

These mollusks are found around the world from the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia to the Gulfs of Mexico, Panama and Venezuela.

Nacre is the same substance that is deposited around an object that becomes lodged in the mollusk–either naturally or inserted by humans–to become a pearl.

Although pearls are popular today, some past cultures regarded colorful pieces of mother of pearl as more desirable decoration for jewelry and other objects.

Jewelry made from mother of pearl is in the group called organic jewelry, which includes all jewelry that originates from a living creature, plant or other living organism.

Nacre appears iridescent because the thickness of the aragonite platelets is close to the wavelength of visible light. This results in constructive and destructive interference of different wavelengths of light, resulting in different colors of light being reflected at different viewing angles.

Two substances actually combine to create mother of pearl. The first is plates of aragonite, a material which is secreted by the mollusk. Aragonite contains calcium carbonate and conchiolin, a natural protein. Alone, the plates are very hard, but also very brittle. As a result, the organism also secretes organic material similar to silk to layer between the plates. The result is a strong, flexible material which can withstand hard use.

Orthoceras, The Beauty From The Past



Orthoceras or straight horn is a genus of extinct nautiloid cephalopod. This genus is sometimes called Orthoceratites. Orthoceras fossils are common and have a global distribution, occurring in any marine rock, especially limestones.

Orthoceras fossil jewellery is more than 400 million years old and is the earliest recognizable animals. They are considered as the ancestors of the modern day squid family. These are considered as the most intelligent form of ocean life even though they were among the earliest form of ocean life.

The size ranges from a few inches to over six feet in length. They have the ability to swim and crawl on the ocean floor. They have the ability to fill their chambers with air and were able to float through seas.

As they died, the shells got accumulated on the ocean floor. These shells got covered by sediments and with the passage of time they got transferred into stone.

These stones when polished gave it a gem like quality making it look more beautiful than ever. These specimens are found in the Morocco’s Atlas Mountains.


Pectolite Stone


Pectolite is a white to gray mineral, It crystallizes in the triclinic system typically occurring in radiated or fibrous crystalline masses. Pectolite, as mineral, is confused with other minerals like okenite, wollastonite, artinite and few others. The name “Pectolite” has been derived from the Greek word “Pectos” which mean “well put together”, and lithos – “stone”.

This semi-precious stone occurs in white or colorless, gray, light yellow, light brown, light blue, and light pink.

It is believed that pectolite softens, enlightens and even heals in a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual way. It was first described in 1828 at Mt. Baldo, Trento Province, Italy. Few decades ago, in the Dominician Republic, an ocean blue variety of pectolite was discovered. It was given the name of Larimar. Even this is popular in the semi-precious stone world.

The Magical Peridot



Peridot, also called precious olivine, is a gem-quality transparent green olivine. The crystals of peridot have a vitreous lustre and conchoidal fracture. Gem-quality olivine is a mineral that composes a lot of the earth’s mantel, the layer below the crust. It is also common in basalts on the moon.

Gem quality peridot comes from Arizona, Burma, Norway, islands in the Red Sea, Hawaii and is sometimes found in meteorites. It’s been mined as a gemstone for thousands of years, and is mentioned in the Bible under the name of Chrysolite. Legend says that peridot was one of the favorite gemstones of Cleopatra and that some of the “emeralds” worn by her were actually peridot.

Peridot has been adored since ancient times and has been valued for centuries. People in the Middle Ages wore peridot to gain foresight and divine inspiration. Legend has it that pirates favored peridot to protect them against evil. Peridot was greatly prized by Egyptian Kings.

This beautiful stone is worn or carried for general healing purposes. Peridot increases strength & physical vitality. Peridot protects against nervousness and aids in healing hurt feelings. It helps liver & adrenal function. Peridot is also thought to protect lungs, sinuses, and wrists from illness and injury.

Peridot is used to help dreams become a reality. This very popular stone is believed to attract love. The deep green hue of the peridot also suggests a connection in wealth-attracting. Peridot calms a raging anger. It is also useful to dispel negative emotions, and it is believed to promote sleep when worn to bed.