Jasper, The Power Stone

Jasper Stone


Jasper stone, is a form of chalcedony, an opaque, impure variety of silica, usually in the form of red, yellow, brown or green color. Blue is mostly rare in jasper. This mineral breaks with a smooth surface, and is used for ornamentation or as a gemstone.

The name jasper means “spotted or speckled stone”, and it is derived from an Old French jasrpe (variant of Anglo-Norman jaspe) and Latin iaspidem (nom. iaspis).
Jasper is known to have been a favorite gem in the ancient world; its name can be traced back in Hebrew, Assyrian, Persian, Greek and Latin.

Jasper is one of the gemstones, that used in commesso, also called florentine mosaic. Commesso is a technique of fashioning pictures with thin, cut-to-shape pieces of brightly colored, semiprecious stones, developed in Florence in the late 16th century.

Jasper is one of the birth stones listed for the Sun Sign of Virgo. It is also the Mystical birthstone for the month of October. It often contains organic material and mineral oxides which give it interesting patterns, bands and colors. Many of these patterns resemble landscapes with mountains and valleys, thus the name “picture” is part of the name of many well know jaspers.

Jasper is considered a Power Stone and a stone that accepts intense responsibility as a Protection Stone. Jasper gives one the courage to speak out and have personal independence. Its a stone of the earth, and therefore a very “grounding” stone. All Jaspers have excellent protective energies.

Moreover, Jasper is a stone that reminds us we are not here only for ourselves, but to bring joy and guidance to others, helping them to reach a higher plain. Its a nurturing stone, a good stone for the healers to use on the behalf of others.


Sugilite The Love Stone

Sugilite Stone

Sugilite Stone

Sugilite (also known as luvulite) is a relatively rare pink to purple cyclosilicate mineral with the complex chemical formula KNa2(Fe,Mn,Al)2Li3Si12O30.

Sugilite, a fairly recent discovery (1944) is found in Japan, Canada and India. The most important occurrence was found in 1975 in the Kalahari Desert, Northern South Africa. In 1979 a large deposit of gem grade sugilite was found 3200 feet below the original discovery.

Sugilite is named for the Japanese geologist who discovered the first specimens, Ken-ichi Sugi. It is opaque with a waxy luster and ranges from a pale grayish lavender to a deep dark purple.

Sugilite is also known under the trade names of “Royal Lavulite” and “Royal Azel”
Sugilite is considered one of the most important love stones. It represents spiritual love and wisdom – opening and aligning all the chakras to love with its beautiful purple rays.

This loving stone teaches and protects in matters of spiritual quests, love, and forgiveness.

* Protects the soul from shocks and trauma
* Clears disappointments and relieves spiritual tension
* Brings light and love to the darkest situations
* Aids forgiveness by eliminating hostility

It is said that sugilite strengthens the heart, aids physical healing and reduces stress. It is a balancer of mind, body and spirit and encourages peace of mind, a general feeling of well being and spiritual love.

It is also suggested that sugilite seems to protect against and dissipate anger and other negative energies.


Pyrite The Fools Gold

Pyrite Stone


The mineral pyrite, or iron pyrite, is an iron sulfide with the formula FeS2. Pyrite is commonly called “Fools Gold” because of its similarity in color, shape, and habit to Gold. In the old mining days, Pyrite was many times confused with Gold, even though they can be easily distinguished.

Pyrite occurs in many interesting shapes. It occurs in masses of very small Pyritohedrons or cubes, which creates a glistening effect when rotated in the light. It also occurs in large Cubes, either singular or intergrown, with striated faces. Most cubes are irregularly shaped; mostly elongated.

Pyrite was polished by the Native Americans in the early times and used as mirrors. Today, it is used as an ornamental stone, as well as a very popular stone for the amateur collector. It is sometimes used as gemstone by being faceted and polished for use as a side jewel in a ring, necklace, or bracelet. Pyrite is many times wrongly called “Marcasite” in the gem trade. Although the mineral Marcasite has the same composition as Pyrite, it is a different mineral. Marcasite is not suitable for gem use, because it powders and may disintegrate into a powder.

The resemblance of pyrite to gold has made it a traditional symbol for money and good luck. It has sunny golden color associates it with the sun, and with fortification and strengthening of the mind. The name comes from the Greek word ‘Pyr,’ which means “a stone which strikes fire”.

Iron Pyrite makes a wonderful energy shield, blocking out negativity from various sources. Some of its properties include:

* Overcomes inertia and feelings of inadequacy

* Energizes the area where you place it (such as on a desk where you work)

* Helps you to see behind a facade


Tourmaline, The Rainbow Stone

Tourmaline Stone

Tourmaline Stone

Tourmaline is a crystal silicate mineral compounded with elements such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium. Tourmaline is classified as a semi-precious stone and the gem comes in a wide variety of colors. The name comes from the Sinhalese word “turamali” or “toramalli” , which applied to different gemstones found in Sri Lanka.

In today’s era, the tourmaline gem stone is known as the gem stone of the rainbow. Tourmaline that contains an abundance of iron is more black or brown in color. Tourmaline gem stones that are brownish yellow have lots of magnesium. Any tourmaline gem stone that contains lithium could result in colors that include red, pink, yellow, blue, and green. On more rare occasions, the lithium-filled tourmaline is colorless.

One of the more unique styles of tourmaline gem stones is known as watermelon tourmaline. This occurs when a tourmaline gem stone’s cross section cut reveals green on the outside edges, along with a reddish, pink interior.

Tourmaline is categorized by its colors:
Red and pink: rubellite
Blue : indicolite / indigolite
Color green : verdelite
Color yellow : dravit
Color black : schorl
No color : achroit

A tourmaline gem stone is believed by many to be helpful in reducing stress, increasing mental awareness, and improving circulation. Tourmaline gem stones are thought to also foster an environment of friendship and love.


Lapis Lazuli, Not A Rock But Mineral

Lapis Lazuli Stone

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli or just Lapis, is a rare and semi-precious stone that has been prized since antiquity for its intense blue color. Lapis is considered a rock, not a mineral. It is composed of a mixture of several different minerals including lazurite, sodalite, calcite and pyrite and has a hardness of 5-7 on Mohs scale. Top quality lapis lazuli comes from Afghanistan, but is also found in Siberia, Chile, the U.S., Pakistan, and Canada.

Lapis has been in history since 5000 B.C. Legends said that this was a holy stone which brought the blue of the sky and with it the “light of the god” down to earth. It was the stone of ancient rulers.

Lapis Lazuli has been used in gemstone jewelry for thousands of years. The Egyptians used Lapis for seals, cosmetic purposes and often carved it into vases and figurines. While, The Romans used lapis as an aphrodisiac.

Lapis Lazuli is listed as the traditional birthstone for December. It is also the Planetary stone for Capricorn and the birthstone for Libra.

For medical lore, Lapis lazuli is said to help cure depression, insomnia, recurring fevers, vision and hearing problems, and disorders of the throat, lungs and immune system. It is also considered a stone of universal truth and friendship. The blue stone is reputed to bring about harmony in relationships and to help its wearer being an authentic individual who may openly state his or her opinion. Lapis Lazuli is a powerful stone for those who seek spiritual development. It brings mental clarity & emotional healing, and enhances judgment and wisdom. This stone is also considered strengthening to mind and body

Lapis Lazuli everyone…


Agate Stone

Agate Stone

Agate Stone

Agate is a variety of silica quartz, part of chalcedony, it characterized by its fineness of grain and brightness of color. Although agates may be found in various kinds of rock, they are classically associated with volcanic rocks but can be common in certain metamorphic rocks. The colorful agates and other chalcedonies were obtained over 3,000 years ago from the Achates River, now called Dirillo, in Sicily.

Theophrastus was the person who given the name of Agate around 3rd or 4th Century BC, a Greek philosopher and naturalist, who discovered the stone along the shore line of the river Achates.

Agate is one of the most common materials used in the art of hard stone carving, and it has been recovered at a number of ancient sites.

There are some colors among the agate, and each of it have different function when it is used by the user. The types of Agate are:

– A Mexican agate, showing only a single eye, has received the name of cyclops agate. Included matter of a green, golden, red, black or other color or combinations embedded in the chalcedony and disposed in filaments and other forms suggestive of vegetable growth, gives rise to dendritic or moss agate

– Turritella agate is formed from silicified fossil Elimia tenera (erroneously considered Turritella) shells.

– Greek agate is a name given to pale white to tan colored agate found in Sicily back to 400 B.C. The Greeks used it for making jewelry and beads.

– Brazilian agate, occur in brownish tones interlayered with white and gray.

– Other forms of agate include Lake Superior agate, carnelian agate (usually exhibiting reddish hues), Botswana agate, Ellensburg blue agate, blue lace agate, plume agates, tube agate (with visible flow channels), fortification agate (which exhibit little or no layered structure), fire agate (which seems to glow internally like an opal) and Mexican crazy-lace agate (which exhibits an often brightly colored, complex banded pattern) also called Rodeo Agate and Rosetta Stone depending on who owned the mine at the time.

Mystically, lue lace agate is a gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquility. Blue lace agate brings with this calm and tranquility a lessening of anger, even deep anger issues, and a calming of nervousness.

Blue lace agate is considered a stone of communication. It can ease the harsh edge off communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth discussions. It also brings tactfulness to speech and written communications. Blue lace agate is used in crystal healing to reduce or cure stuttering and other nervous speech habits and patterns.


Indonesia Pre-Historic Jewelries

Pre-Historic Jewelries

Pre-Historic Jewelry

Jewelries and human is connected. Following the modernization, human in past periodic time was already had jewelries within their historical track. Jewelry is one of the things that used to beautify the human body. During the cultivation, human was already familiar with jewelry such as bracelets of stones and shells. In Indonesia, jewelry like this was firstly found in West Java and Java.

Other founding about pre-historic jewelries are mentioned that there are some bracelets. Information obtained in various sizes between 24-54 mm in diameter with a thickness of 6-17 mm. Looking from the size, it can be there is a possibility of a smaller size, which is used as an object containing zimat or being used for magical power or can be used as an earring. Other area in West Java that was found other pre-historic jewelries are East Cirebon and western Bandung. Findings from these places only in the form of bracelets that have been finished. some findings from these places only in the form of bracelets that have been finished.

There was also founding in Surakarta that mentioned about bangles shell, together with a number of other findings such as beads of shell and shaft-square shaft. To find out how they are made, we can compare it with today’s traditional crafts . This comparative study will produce a picture of life in the past, although it was not a representation of the truth. For example, the manufacture of shell bracelets were found in Surakarta was estimated by filing as it is known in Northern Luzon now.

The shell material that being used was not all shells type. Types of shells which are widely used is the type of Tridacna, it was drilled from both surfaces of bamboo. The drill was rotated with the help of a piece of string in the first part were given water and sand. The way how to drill is also used to work on the rings of stone that found in Malaysia and Thailand.

The places from these pre-historic jewelries are in Limbasari, Purbalingga. Besides in Indonesia, the rings were also found in Szechwan, Fongtien, Siberian, Japanese, Korean, Jehor, Chahor, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Honan, Lamma Island, and Taiwan.


The Red Blood Ruby

Ruby Gemstone


Ruby is classify as precious gemstone, a pink to blood red stone and a class of mineral corundum (aluminium oxide). The name Ruby is referred from Latin, ruber for red. Together with the batch of high reputable gemstones, ruby is a class with the sapphire, the emerald, and the diamond.

It was first synthesized in 1902. The process of creating synthetic rubies is known as the Verneuil process. Many rubies on the market are synthetic. Only experts can distinguish between natural and synthetic rubies.

The prices of Ruby are determined by its color, the brighter of the red blood is shine, the more expensive of the price. Beside, the clarity, the cut and carat is also determined the valuable price.

Ruby is known as “Burmese Ruby” or “Pigeon’s Blood Ruby”. Ruby from Burma is famous for its exceptional coloring. However, Burmese ruby rarely exceeds several carats, large flawless Burmese rubies can be worth millions of dollars.

There are some types of Ruby that usually revolve among the market:

– Burmese Ruby : Ruby with exceptional color, that mostly are come from Burma
– Pigeon’s Blood Ruby : a Blood-red ruby with a hint of blue
– Star Ruby : Ruby that displaying asterism
– Cat’s Eye Ruby : Ruby exhibiting cat’s eye effect
– Verneuil

While, there are some ways to acknowledge the quality of Ruby:

– The Ruby, which sprays out red rays in the sunlight, is considered a superior quality gemstone.
– Ruby glowing in darkness is considered to be of a superior quality.
– Any Ruby when rubbed on a stone and the stone shows signs of rubbing and also the Ruby does not lose its weight, it is considered to be of a superior quality.

It is believe within the societies, for those who wore Ruby they can enjoy wealth and property and is blessed with children. They become fearless, and is protected from afflictions, sorrow and disasters. They become virile, the power and spirit is strengthened. Moreover, they will occupy a respected position in the society.

Anything that come up about the spirit of Ruby, it is Ruby and it is a red blood spirit for the user.


Hematite The Calming Stone

Hematite Stone

Hematite Stone

Hematite is one of stone created from oxidized iron. Hematite is a mineral, colored black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish brown, or red. It is mined as the main ore of iron. Hematite is an opaque crystal, relatively dense and heavy because of its mineral make-up.

Hematite derives its name from the Greek word aima (blood ) because it can be red. It has some types of stone; Hematite Rose, Tiger Iron, Kidney Ore, Oolitic Hematite and Specularite. Ancient Egyptians used hematites as ornamental objects placed inside their tombs. Red ochre was used by prehistoric artists in their cave paintings. Nowadays hematite may also be used as a polishing powder and as a paint pigment.

Hematite crystals can be used to ground higher energies, this stone is a powerful bridge between the spiritual and physical planes. It can balance the subtle bodies, imparting soothing, calming feelings. Moreover, it is also very protective, reflecting and guarding from external negative energies. Polished hematite, which was used for mirrors in ancient times, has the power to turn back and dissolve harmful intentions, protecting the aura and subtle bodies in astral projection, this is also protecting the mind from negative influences.

This is a calming stone, but also offers support for your hopes, dreams, wishes and desires, by encouraging you to “reach for the sun”. Hematite reminds you that the only limitations that exist are those that you place upon yourself.

For jewelries, this stone are formerly popular in Europe during Victorian era, and become more popular in North America since that time, especially in western United State.

Hematite, it’s calm, it’s confident, it’s you…


The Red Magical Carnelian

Carnelian Stone

Carnelian Stone

Carnelian is a reddish-brown mineral which is commonly used as a semi-precious gemstone. Having the same chemical make up as Agate, when Carnelian grades into brown it is known as Sard. When it contains bands of white, it is known as Sardonyx. In addition, some very dark brown Carnelian can be classified as Jasper.

The name Carnelian heralds from the Latin word “carnis” and translates to “flesh,” probably noted as one of the many shades of the stone. Another name for Carnelian was Cornelian, most likely derived from the Latin word “cornum” meaning “cherry”. Carnelian’s translucent color ranges from yellow-orange to reddish-brown to a deep red, and is enhanced by exposure to the sun.

Carnelian was used formerly during Roman times to make engraved gems for signet or seal rings for imprinting a seal with wax on correspondence or other important documents, this is because hot wax does not stick to Carnelian.

Carnelian was considered to be a precious gemstone during ancient times.
During the ancient Egyptian period, carnelian symbolized blood. Many Egyptian tombs had much carnelian jewelry, seemingly used as an aid to cross over to the other world. Islamic heritage has it that the Prophet himself wore a carnelian set in a silver ring on the little finger of the right hand. This carnelian was engraved as a seal. An engraved carnelian with the name of Allah boasts courage. In European history, carnelian was the gem of choice for intaglios from the bronze age until late Roman times.

Carnelian has a long and storied past, and was once considered strictly the property of the noble class. People holding a high social status were often buried with this gem stone. Some people believe that carnelian have benefits to gives energy, to protect from bad vibration, guards against poverty, it helps give sense of humor and to calm the temper. Carnelian is such an energy booster. It helps the insecure person to find strength within them so they can come into their own. It is also said to increase the appetite.

Mentally, Carnelian can improve analytical abilities and can clarify perception. It removes extraneous thoughts during meditation and sharpens concentration. Emotionally, this stone is a powerful protector against envy, rage and resentment. It calms anger and banishes negativity, replacing it with a love of life.

So, is this also the right stone to heal the broken heart?
