Tag Archives: danburite

Danburite Gemstone

Danburite Gemstone


Danburite is a crystalline mineral similar to topaz. Danburite is not a well-known mineral but is growing in popularity. Danburite has diamond-shaped cross-section and wedge like termination is a contrast to quartz’s hexagonal prisms and pyramidal terminations.

Danburite has a relatively new history compared to other gemstones, having only been discovered in 1839. Through the years, this stone has become popular as a substitute for other stones like topaz. The color of these stones can vary from translucent to pale pink or yellowish brown.

It is a relatively hard crystal and can be polished to produce a brilliant and beautiful finish. The crystal is often confused with other birthstone gemstones such as tourmaline, topaz, apatite and andulsite. This gemstone has become very popular as a fashion accessory and can be found in a wide variety of sizes, cuts and settings.

Danburite was originally discovered in Danbury, Connecticut and can be found in several locales around the world including Mexico, Madagascar, Japan, Central Europe and parts of Southeast Asia.

Danburite is a very spiritual stone that carries a pure vibration. It is excellent for relief of stress and worry. Hold a danburite in each hand for a calming effect and to prepare for deep meditation.
