Tag Archives: Historical Jewelry

Uncal Necklace

Uncal Neckace

Uncal Necklace

Uncal necklace was an attribute from Kutai Martadipura from Mulawarman reign. It wore by the Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara after the Kingdom of Kutai Martadipura was successfully conquered and united with the Kingdom of Kutai Kartanegara.

It made from 18 carat gold and the weigh is 170 grams. The necklace is decorated with reliefs of the Ramayana story.

According to history, the possibility Uncal necklace was from India. In Indian language necklace was called Unchele and in this world there are only 2 pieces or one pair, which was one for men and for woman.

Currently, this necklace is the only one in India. According to the Indian ambassador who give visit Tenggarong in 1954, the Uncal necklace in Kutai having the same form, manner and size with a necklace Unchele that exists in India. Thus, there is a possibility that King Mulawarman Nala was one of the descendants of the Kings of India in the past and bring the necklace Uncal to Kutai district.
