Tag Archives: purple

Charoite Purple Stone

Charoit Stone


Charoite, discovered in Russia in 1978 in the Murun mountains in Yakutia. This the only known location for this rare mineral. The name Charoite is derived from the Charo River which is near where it was found.

This part of Russia is known for its forbidding climate and terrain and as a traditional place of exile for political prisoners. Why charoite has not been found in other locations is not fully understood. But it is probably due to a combination of a chemically unique limestone reacting with a chemically unique intrusion and subjected to unique physical conditions.

The colors range from bright lavender, violet and lilac to dark purple with swirling patterns of black Augite, transparent crystals of microcline feldspar, and/or orange Tinaksite. Charoite is used as an ornamental stone and as a gemstone.

Charoite is said to enhance self-esteem, accelerate spiritual growth, and improve the ability to love. Since this is a recent discovery (1978), there are no known legends surrounding this stone.

Moreover, it can boosts productions of hormones, calms nervous system, insomnia, hearing, digestive tract, heart. Insomnia, headaches, hearing disorders, posture and skeletal system, stomach, skin, and teeth. As an elixir in the treatment of arthritis.
